Charlotte, North Carolina Roadblocks

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park rd. and seneca

Charlotte, North CarolinaMay 08, 2012

They are always putting up blocks there..last night at 230…urrr

mallard church creek rd

Charlotte, North CarolinaApr 13, 2012

In front of university village

Caldwell St just outside 277

Charlotte, North CarolinaNov 01, 2010

Checking vehicle registrations.

Albermarle Road

Charlotte, North CarolinaSep 01, 2009

My friend was stopped near Farm Pond Apts. He had an expired license and was detained for 3 hours and then let go. Police stated that they catch a lot of people with outstanding warrants near the low rent apartments there.

South Blvd exit ramp to I-277 John Belk Freeway

Charlotte, North CarolinaMar 01, 2009

"SOUTHEND" – heading towards downtown from SOUTH BLVD. One lane exit ramp. This is a HOT SPOT for booze it or loose it campaigns and random checkpoints. Roadblocks often held during drinking holidays (Cinco de Mayo, St. Pattys day, etc..). Two checkpoints the past three years on Cinco De Mayo. They’ve done some construction on this part over the past year due to the NASCAR hall of fame, but I’ve read on of at least two checkpoints within the past year here. High % of local pubs/bars in this area. Tryon street downtown is also a place to avoid.

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