Route 28 N (in front of the Route 28 Mall)

Salem, New HampshireSep 01, 2008

I experienced this checkpoint/roadblock on 9-12-2008. I had driven down from Maine to meet my cousin, who had just recently move to Salem, NH. My cousin is an R.N. and works 2nd shift at a local hospital there and she got delayed about 2 hours, so I had plenty of time to waste.

I parked at the Route 28 Mall and ate some McD’s. As I was there, the NH state police set up a checkpoint, so I watched it for about 1 hour 45 minutes because I had to wait for my cousin to meet me. I watched this checkpoint and I could see clearly and hear what the NH state police were doing.

Wow! These men were rude, "cocky" and showed no repsect to many motorists! IT WAS SHOCKING! They had 3 lanes going and the cops were questioning everybody and shining their flashlights in everybody’s cars and walking around and intimidating them! It was really sad.

There was even a german shepard dog barking constantly! To say the least, this looked very Nazi…very "Orwelian". It also looked like the NH state police would hold and detain pretty young girls longer. They were rude and sounded very unprofessional.

Watching this checkpoint for almost 2 hours made me ashamed to be an American. I became ashamed to be an American because I witnessed these officers pull over a car with an elderly couple in it. They must have been at least 75 years old. The cops made them get out of their car and the cops searched their car and trunk. This very elderly couple just stood there watching as these Nazi’s were violatiing there 4th amendment rights and humiliating them. It was so sad!

I just couldn’t believe that this happens in so called free America. When the elderly couple left in there car, I could hear these NH state police laughing and making jokes! It was so sad.

When are Amerians going to wake up? How can this happen in America? What is going on? I am ashamed to be an American now. These cops just looked and acted very unprofessional and it really made me think what America is turning into. I feel really bad for the children that have to grow up in this tyranny. GOD HELP AMERICA!

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