Rapid City, South Dakota Roadblocks

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Universal Dr, between Deadwood Ave and Sturgis Rd (Hwy 79N)

Rapid City, South DakotaFeb 28, 2015

Located about 1/4 mile north-west of the Windmill truck stop, on Universal Dr. It is hidden around a curve, with no way to avoid it. It is between the truck stop and the railroad crossing, which is about a 1/2 mile NW. I have seen a DUI roadblock here at least twice.

Strugis Road (Hwy#79N.) at St. Martin’s Academy

Rapid City, South DakotaFeb 28, 2015

Dui roadblock is often set up pproximately 1/2 – 3/4 mile north from the intersection of West Chicago St., and Sturgis Rd. If headed north on Sturgis Road (Hwy#79N), out of Rapid City, SD It is around a curve, and at the top of the hill. It cannot be seen until you crest the hill. At that point there is plenty of room to conduct the stop with several patrol cars always present. I have been stopped at this DUI check no less than twice. Sturgis road is always heavily patrolled, by Rapid City Police, County Sheriffs, and Highway Patrols.

La Crosse St

Rapid City, South DakotaOct 01, 2007

Rapid City PD often sets up roadblocks in the northbound lane of La Crosse St., just north of the railroad tracks. You can’t see the roadblock til you crest the small hill at the railroad tracks, and by then it’s too late to turn off. They park a mobile blood testing lab in the Sam’s Club parking lot.

West Main St

Rapid City, South DakotaMay 01, 2003

The Rapid City Police Department sometimes sets up in the area known to locals as "The Gap." This area is on West Main St., roughly between West Blvd. and Jackson Blvd. They ask questions about things they have no business knowing (what you’ve been doing, where you’re coming from, where you’re going, etc.) The last time I encountered this roadblock, they also had a twin roadblock set up nearby on Omaha St., roughly in front of the parking lot of the frisbee golf course. The last time I encountered this roadblock was on the first weekend of the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. However, they set up the roadblock on West Main St. at least a couple times a year.

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