Nashville, Tennessee Roadblocks

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Stewarts Ferry close to elm hill Marina

Nashville, TennesseeAug 25, 2014

Road Block cones policemen w/ flash lights square led lights

21st at 440 by Loden vision and AAA

Nashville, TennesseeMay 05, 2014

Both directions likely but going out of Hillsboro Village for sure.

Donelson Pike / Airport

Nashville, TennesseeMay 01, 2009

This was late at night.

17th Ave South and Wedgewood

Nashville, TennesseeJul 01, 2007

The Nashville Metropolitain Police hide their squad cars behind trees in the grass of an adjacent park and run radar in the shadows on the north east corner of the intersection. The do not wear refelective vests or use traffic cones. The jump off the corner shouting and waving flashlights at motorists. If they don’t get you for speeding they will get you for a seatbelt violation, or vehicle safety issue to establish probable cause to search your vehicle and subject you to sobriety tests.

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